Tuesday, January 25, 2011

one year anniversary...

Its has now been one year since I first made foam disappear formulaically. A lot has come of the apprenticeship under Ed Barbera... a job in the industry, (sort of), a quiver of personal boards, a plethora of knowledge, and most importantly determination to surf better ,and shape and glass better boards.
Well here is the anniversary board. Sort of a mini simmons, sort of a fish. Square, curvy, and endless fun. It features a carbon-kevlar tail patch, blue resin swirl, glass on leash loop and fins. Also a little flare on the rail fins courtesy of freaks of fashion silk laminates.
Thanks to Mom and Dad for the blank and supplies. Love you guys and thanks for the support!


Unknown said...


You shaped a cool looking board. What are the dimensions? What is the width of the actual square tail and 1 foot up?

I shaped a similar board and I am trying to determine fin placement for a quad set up.

Thank you for your help.


Pico said...

Sorry for the delayed response Matthew. Dims are 5'10" x 23"x 3". Tail is 8 1/2" and 12" up is around 17". Don't have board in my possession right now, but email for more info, fins etc. pico009@gmail.com